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General Data Protection Regulations Workshop - London
General Data Protection Regulations Workshop - London
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Pat Victory
Pat Victory
020 7915 8409

The BPIF is hosting a GDPR workshop to provide the industry with an insight into 'What is GDPR?'

Overview of what the workshop will include:

  • What is the GDPR?
  • Principles of the GDPR - What is it aiming to do? Why have we been lumbered with this?
  • What is ‘data processing'? - You are almost certainly doing it!
  • What is ‘personal data'? - You are almost certainly collecting and using it. So you are almost certainly covered by GDPR.
  • Areas to which you should pay particular attention are: HR/personnel, Marketing, Emails, address books and more.
  • If you are going to stay on the right side of the law you have (probably) three permissible reasons for 'processing personal data'. These are: Legal obligation (the law says you have to); Informed consent - people have said you can use their data; Legitimate interests - you have a 'legitimate interest' in doing so. This is not 'carte blanche' to do what you want!
  • The legitimate interest assessment - You must conduct a formal assessment of the 'strength' of your legitimate interest. Is it enough to allow to do what you want to do?
  • Consent, policies and privacy notices - Whatever the reason you are processing data (obligation, consent or legitimate interest) you have to tell people what you are doing in ways set out by GDPR and you have to handle it in certain ways.
  • Objections and opt-outs - What do you have to do if someone objects to your use of their data?
  • Data protection/security - GDPR says you must keep data secure - but how secure?
  • Data breaches - What are your obligations if, despite your best efforts, someone steals the data or just leaves it on the bus?
  • Enforcement - Fines of up to €20 million can concentrate the mind - but who (if the worst happens) is going to take action?
  • Creating an action plan - So, knowing all the above, what do you do now? We'll conclude the presentation with a few simple steps in an action plan that you can take back to the office with you.
  • One to one with an expert in the field.

Cost for BPIF Members is £99 plus VAT per person.

Cost for non-members is £199 plus VAT per person.

BPIF excludes all and any liability for loss arising from any action taken as a consequence of any information or advice given at any event.
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