Membership Services
Technical Helpdesk

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We understand that there are many technical print issues that a printing company experiences. Complex technical problems can be difficult to resolve and rapid technological development makes it hard for management to identify the most cost effective and appropriate action. The Technical Helpdesk is here to help, companies can direct their technical queries to [email protected] to seek advice, support and find a solution. BPIF members receive preliminary support as part of membership.

Technical support services

Gold membership:
  • Telephone response from the BPIF's National Technical Adviser
  • Email access to the BPIF's National Technical Adviser via the helpdesk
  • A one-page technical print desktop report
Platinum membership:
  • Initial support and advice for dispute resolution
  • Telephone response from the BPIF's National Technical Adviser 
  • Email access to the BPIF's National Technical Adviser via the helpdesk
  • A two-page technical print desktop report
The helpdesk can:
  • Advise on machine performance to improve efficiency across the whole printing processes.
  • Help solve specific technical problems.
  • Help with the selection of machinery, equipment and materials for the production line.
  • Produce independent reports if disputes arise with customers or trade suppliers about job quality.
Technical Helpdesk Support Example


A digital printing company produces a hotel brochure for a marketing company, which complains that the blue featured in the product doesn’t match the artwork provided. The marketing company formally raise a complaint that the product is not ‘fit-for-purpose’.


The Technical Helpdesk provides the digital printing company with a desktop report as part of their platinum membership. The details of the dispute with the marketing company, including examples of the product and the reasons why the product is deemed unfit for purpose, are sent to the Technical Helpdesk so that an independent view can be provided.


The report outlines that the colour on the brochure does in fact match the artwork, but that the finish the client requested is causing it to look different. Since the report proves that the product is after all fit for propose, the product is accepted by the marketing company and sent to the end party/user.

The Technical Helpdesk helps the print company solve the dispute before it progresses to mediation or an expert witness. In addition, both the client and job are retained.

If further support is required, the technical helpdesk through BPIF Specialist Services can provide paid-for Technical Support to give your company highly specialised print specific support by using industry experts to help you achieve your goals. Key services include:

  • Expert reports
  • Mediation services
  • Advice on processes and printed products
  • Information on industry standards
  • Troubleshooting pre-press, press and post-press problems
  • Cost rates and operations assessment
  • Review of workflow, MIS, and department integration
  • Waste improvement
  • Workflow and factory efficiency improvements
  • In-plant and print unit reviews
  • Reports for quality or equipment disputes
  • Facilitation of dispute resolution for quality or equipment problems

Please email any technical support queries and requests to the BPIF Technical Helpdesk at [email protected]

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