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CDI Webinar - In car UX and brands COLLIDE
CDI Webinar - In car UX and brands COLLIDE
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Meeka Walwyn-Lewis
Meeka Walwyn-Lewis
01924 203335

CDI is a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the BPIF and a platform that provides print companies with a creative digital focus with best practice, insight and networking opportunities. The group aims to be a platform to bring pre-media, print and creative companies together to drive innovation and grow the sector.

CDI may be known for delivering the Visual Media Conference but is now also a peer network with regional and national events and meetings to learn, share information and be inspired - leadership sounding board/mentors. Providing the opportunity for leaders to contribute and attract resources to the industry – leaders creating a platform through the group to develop the sector.

As part of this the CDI is bringing to you an insight array of innovative resources to engage with which will include a webinar series that start with In car UX and brands COLLIDE.

In car UX and brands COLLIDE

Two fast pace worlds become one united experience.

The world has changed in ways that most of us would have never thought possible. Now, we’re using our digital devices to carry out a wide range of tasks like working, shopping, ordering food or finding a hotel. We discuss the expectation of car experience, is it more than miles per gallon/charge or a good sounding entertainment system. 

What is the experiential layer that allows for someone to distinctively prefer one car over another, and never go back to another way of doing things?

We discuss the expectations of a clear, useful, exciting, user experience.  This talk looks at how these expectations go beyond the driving seat, how brands are racing to ensure their user experience is exceptional, distinctive and connected, from the click of a website, view of a TV advert to the press of the ignition button.

Key Speakers:

Guy Utley - Founder and Creative Director @ Tall Agency

Shay Moradi - VP of Innovation & Experiential Technology @ Vital Auto

When and Where: 

27 May 2021 at 12:30pm – 1:30pm

Online event. To book click here.



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