Brexit Transition - Important info

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There are new rules for businesses from 1 January 2021.

Please scroll down to download our previous BPIF 'EU Exit Guide'  - 20.01.2021

Issues with your live consignments? Contact HMRC National Clearance Hub   - 0300 322 7900 / email or webchat

Keep your business moving

The Business Support Helpline (0800 098 1098) is also available. It's a free service operating across England and it can provide information on a wide range of business issues inside and outside of Brexit, including starting up, business continuity, growth and access to finance (including support available from government). Similar services are available in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Brexit Transition - checklist

Check, Change, Go: use the Government's Transition planning tool to get your own specific checklist and targeted guidance. Access the Transition Tool here.

Get an EORI Number that starts with GB to move your goods into or out of the EU. You will not be able to move your goods into or out of the EU without an EORI number. This may take up to a week. Get an EORI number here.

Map the Movement of Goods - your inputs and outputs and ensure that you get the latest advice.

  • Prepare to import goods from the EU to Great Britain
  • Prepare to export goods from Great Britain to the EU
  • Moving goods into, out of, or through Northern Ireland
  • Register for the Trader Support Service if moving goods between GB & NI
  • Decide how you want to make customs declarations and whether you need to get someone to deal with customs for you
  • From 1 January, you will need to make declarations and may need to pay any tariffs due when bringing goods into Northern Ireland from Great Britain or from countries outside of the EU. Whether you have to pay duty, and how much that duty is, will depend on where you are bringing the goods from and whether they are ‘at risk’ of onward movement to the EU.

  • Check if you can declare goods you bring into Northern Ireland (from GB or outside the EU) not ‘at risk’ of moving to the EU
  • Establish your Commodity Codes for the goods you buy and sell and check tariffs, rules, and tax and duty rates. If you bring goods in or move goods out of the UK or EU, you'll need to get the correct commodity code to put on your declaration. Be aware of any certification, labelling or chemical regulations.

  • Use the trade tariff look-up tool
  • Check if you need to pay a tariff on the goods you import
  • Check the rules, tax and duty rates for exporting to the rest of the world
  • Consider your Data. Make a list of all the data flows into and out of your business. If you receive personal data from the EU, you may need to take action.

  • Data protection at the end of the transition period
  • Communicate with your suppliers, logistics providers and customers.

    Get Government Guidance:

  • Importing, exporting and transport
  • Regulations and standards of goods
  • Employing EU citizens
  • Using personal data
  • Intellectual property
  • Operating in the EU
  • Public sector procurement
  • Energy and climate
  • European and domestic funding
  • Regional Support:

  • Support for businesses in Scotland
  • Support for businesses in Wales
  • Support for businesses in Northern Ireland
  • BPIF EU Exit Guide – 20 January 2021 - Size: 4619Kb Download
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