Plastic Packaging Tax


You can find the latest guidance for the Plastic Packaging Tax Legislation below.

For more information go to

If you have any queries and questions on, please email

Decision Tree: Check packaging in scope
Decision tree - Check packaging in scope - Size: 243Kb Download
Decision Tree: Liability to register
Decision Tree - Liability to register - Size: 226Kb Download
Plastic Packagaing Tax - What is PPT
What is PPT? (e-version) - Size: 42Kb Download
What is PPT? (printable version) - Size: 44Kb Download
Plastic Packaging Tax: Stakeholder Toolkit
Plastic Packaging Tax: Stakeholder Toolkit – February 2022 - Size: 452Kb Download
Plastic Packaging Tax: Updated Communications Package
PPT Communications Package - June 2022 - Size: 377Kb Download
PPT Communications Package - April 2022 - Size: 332Kb Download
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