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ConTEXT London 2024
ConTEXT London 2024
When and Where

Sustainability regulations and reporting for book publishers and printers are growing in complexity and urgency. HP’s ConTEXT will bring together industry-leading stakeholders in the green supply chain to provide clarity on what regulations are coming and an opportunity to create consistency in reporting. 

Supported by the British Printing Industries Federation and with the participation of the Book Manufacturers’ Institute (BMI), US, Book Industry Study Group (BISG), US, Book Industry Communication (BIC), UK, and other industry organizations, this working conference will enable attendees to share and hear all sides of the issue, ensuring we find viable solutions to creating a more environmentally and economically sustainable publishing industry. 


  • 10.00-11.00 Pre-ConTEXT Event for Book Printers: Book Manufacturers’ Institute 2024 State of the Industry Overview and Whitepaper Discussion
  • 11.30 Venue Opens
  • Noon-1.00 Working Lunch and Opening Keynote
  • 1.00-2.00 Publisher Panel and Discussion: Priorities, Initiatives, and Reporting
  • 2.00-3.00 Printer Panel and Discussion: Priorities, Initiatives, and Reporting
  • 3.00-3.30 Tea/Coffee/Email Break
  • 3.30-4.30 Trade Organization Roundup: BPIF, BISG/BIC and the Green Book Alliance, BMI
  • 430-5.30 Reporting Success Roundtable and Recommendations
  • 5.30 Drinks Reception at the City of London Distillery


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