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BPIF Members' Day 2024
BPIF Members' Day 2024
When and Where

An industry where sustainability is key!

We are delighted to be hosting this year's Members' Day in London on Wednesday 10 July 2024 and would love for you to join us. The events will be free to attend and will give you the opportunity to network with industry colleagues, MPs, Peers and representatives from print's key industry bodies.


10.00: Registration

10.30: Sustainability Symposium - Roundtable Event 

Location: St Bride Foundation, 14 Bride Lane, London, EC4Y 8EQ

The Sustainability Symposium will provide an opportunity to look at current key sustainability and environmental obligations and regulations with industry peers and experts and set these against excellent initiatives and best practices. Facilitated through roundtable-sessions, attendees will discuss a series of key topics, share best practices and solutions. The roundtable sessions will be followed by feedback on key trends, issues, solutions, next steps and open Q&A session.

The roundtables will consist of 8 topics, as follows:

  • Net Zero and what's next for sustainability?
  • Recycling - What's next for Zero to Landfill?
  • Greenwashing - Are printers engaging without knowledge out of necessity?
  • Process Improvements, Efficiency and Streamlining - Is now the time to revisit 'Lean'? 
  • Funding - Is it required for companies to achieve renewable and sustainable energy projects?
  • Regulations (PPT, EPR, EUDR) - Are they legitimate and how are they impacting the industry?
  • ESG - What is the industries expectations for reporting?
  • Brands - What do they think about the future of sustainable printed products?: 

14.00: BPIF Annual General Meeting 

Location: St Bride Foundation, 14 Bride Lane, London, EC4Y 8EQ

Members will be provided with a review of the key achievements made by the BPIF over the past year and a look ahead to the coming months. The AGM will include:

  • Introduction from the Chairperson
  • Approval of Minutes of the 15th Annual General Meeting of the British Printing Industries Federation Limited held on 13 December 2023 (view the Minutes here)
  • BPIF Annual Accounts for 2023-2024
  • Re-appointment of the Auditors
  • Chief Executive's Presentation & Questions

14.45: Depart for House of Lords 

15.30 - 17.00: Print Industry Reception 

Location: House of Lords

All attendees are invited to join us on the Terrace at the House of Lords for the annual Print Industry Reception. The Print Industry Reception is one of the most popular events in the industry's calendar. The reception is an excellent opportunity to network with MPs, Lords and peers, and to showcase the importance of printing to the UK economy, over drinks and canapes.

Spaces are limited , so please complete the form below or email [email protected] to confirm your attendance for Members' Day.

Please register to confirm your attendance for the day.

Join the BPIF

The BPIF is the printing industries champion. By becoming a member you join a diverse and influential community. We help you solve business problems, connect you to new customers and suppliers and make your voice heard in government.