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5 July 2017

BPIF encourage attendees to meet the needs of their digitally savvy customers and talk ‘Priorities for Print’ at their 2017 Members’ Day

BPIF encourage attendees to meet the needs of their digitally savvy customers and talk ‘Priorities for Print’ at their 2017 Members’ Day

This year's BPIF Members' Day was held at the BPIFs new London home - the St Bride Foundation in Blackfriars. The day began with a conference on digital and social media from Digital Media Consultant David Taylor, to help attendees assess whether they are meeting the needs of their digitally-savvy customers in 2017.

The conference was then followed by the 9th Annual General Meeting of the British Printing Industries Federation, where the BPIFs lobbying document Priorities for Print was launched. The brochure calls on the Government to support the UK printing industry's productivity, profitability and promotion and was produced from BPIFs members contributing their business experiences.

The AGM was chaired by Darren Coxon, new BPIF President. Peter Allen, BPIF Finance Director talked through the BPIFs financial performance and CEO Charles Jarrold reviewed the BPIF's achievements over the year and highlighted how the BPIF will support its members in the future.

After the AGM attendees moved on to the All-Party Parliamentary Print Group reception on the Terrace Pavilion at the House of Lords. Hosted by Lord O'Neill of Clackmannan and Stephen Metcalfe MP. The 144 guests were treated to drinks and canapés while admiring the fantastic views across the River Thames. Over 20 MPs and Peers were in attendance and members made the most of this opportunity to network with them.

Charles Jarrold, CEO BPIF and Tony Burke, Industrial Officer Unite, both addressed the audience, highlighting the renewed positivity in print. Three awards were presented at the reception. Chris Smith, Halstan, received the Outstanding Contribution to the UK Printing Industry Award and Louise Hope achieved the Kathy Woodward Award for Learning, sponsored by Webmart. While Lauren Sharples was awarded the Victor Watson Trophy for a young person of outstanding achievement, with Josh Levitt-Thomas being Highly Commended.

Charles Jarrold commented, "It was excellent to see BPIF members discussing their key business priorities with MP's and Peers, while celebrating all that is great in our industry. It was a brilliant day with some well deserving recipients, both young and old receiving recognition for their efforts within our industry".

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Amy Hutchinson
Amy Hutchinson
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