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Paper and the Environment – Knowledge for Selling, Buying & Debate
Paper and the Environment – Knowledge for Selling, Buying & Debate
When and Where


Objective of the Course

The objective of the course is not to load delegates with masses of paper and the environment data and stats. This is all usually available from delegates’ own company resources or from trade bodies (Delegates will however leave with a useful resources pack on main environmental issues in forestry, paper making, merchanting, printing and recycling.)
The key objective of the course is to give delegates a much greater understanding of the key environmental issues as they relate to how suppliers/customers/pressure groups/colleagues and even family and friends view paper in an environmental context. Delegates will leave with greater confidence in dealing with objections or indeed using environmental arguments in active selling or buying. 
Delegates will be invited to actively contribute to the structure of the day and share experiences and solutions with the moderator and each other. You are encouraged to bring examples of what has worked for you, what problems you have encountered. Time willing, we will create roll play with “good cop, bad cop” to see how the understanding can work in practice. 


• Introductions and share experiences- how have environmental issues affected your job to date; what would make this course stand out for you in 6 months’ time as being really useful. 

• Paper and print in a broader business sustainability context- what is happening in other sectors; what is “resource efficiency”, what is “closed loop”; what is “net positive”, what is the “waste hierarchy”.
• Overview of the key environmental issues in forestry, pulp, paper, packaging and print. The role of mill suppliers.
• NGO’s - friend or foe? Who are they? What’s their agenda? How to engage and what not to do.
• Summary of the certification schemes and green claims code - what you can and cannot claim.
• Recovery and recycling - UK and global context.
• Introduction to Two Sides Europe and North America - a treasure trove of information to boost your confidence • The great plastics debate - how has Sir David Attenborough’s “Blue Planet” changed the rules of the game. 
• Role play- delegates can opt to defend or attack paper’s environmental record - join in or watch the bun fight!
Bob Latham runs his own sustainability consultancy, Delphi Products, which specialises in providing advice and guidance to corporate businesses on sustainability governance, decision rights, stakeholder engagement and supply chain analysis. 
Sustainability and environmental responsibility have featured heavily in Bob's career which includes sixteen years with the UK-based PaperlinX subsidiary, The Robert Horne Group as Marketing & Commercial Director followed by four years as the Sustainability Director of PaperlinX. Prior to his time with The Robert Horne Group he worked for the luxury paper convertor, Svecia Antiqua, preceeded by nine years with papermaker, Wiggins Teape, during which time he managed the "Conqueror" brand world-wide in the 1980's. 
Bob says he's inspired by the twin mottos of the "Oracle of Delphi", which are "know thyself" and "nothing to excess"!
Registration and coffee will be at 9.30 am, with the actual course running through from 10.00 am to 4.30 pm, with a buffet lunch. 
The cost per delegate includes all refreshments, a buffet lunch (with any special dietary requirements requested) and comprehensive course notes is only £215 + VAT.  
Dress Code
Smart casual
Car Parking

There is on-site car parking available at both sites, but you will need to register your car registration number on arrival.
Joining Instructions
These will be sent to all delegates approximately one week before the course date. 


This course is limited to 12 places

Further information can be found here

Please download booking forms below and return to Tim Bowler at [email protected]


Booking Form - Size: 128Kb Download
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