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Ask the Expert - Breakfast Briefing, London
Ask the Expert - Breakfast Briefing, London
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Kyle Jardine
Kyle Jardine
0289 002 0135

Canon is hosting a series of breakfast briefings with independent business consultants and print industry partners to tackle some of the most pressing challenges that Print Service Providers are facing today.

Breakfast briefing: Ask the expert | In partnership with the BPIF

Analysing Print Industry Performance and Trends
By Kyle Jardine, Research Manager at BPIF

What are the key challenges that Print Service Providers are facing across the UK and what lessons can they learn from each other? Kyle Jardine will take you through the print industry trends and performance report. This interactive session will offer you an opportunity to understand the top business concerns as well as explore what some Print Service Providers are doing to secure their business success for the future.

Email Canon to register for this free event: [email protected]

Canon AskTheExperts 2018 - Size: 945Kb Download
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