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The Antalis Academy Realistic Sales Planning Workshop
The Antalis Academy Realistic Sales Planning Workshop
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Dawn Reid
Dawn Reid
07801 981 325

This master class is aimed at anyone involved with sales. It suits company owners and sales managers. It is also ideal for individual sales people, whether they are part of a team on running solo.

Workshop details
This is part of a series of 5 workshops delivered by Matthew Parker that are designed to give practical advice and training to printers and print management companies.

Here are practical strategies to making sure you achieve the right sales results:
Matthew runs his own business. He needs to manage everything that crops up on a day-to-day basis. That means he has to manage all the sales and marketing for the business, all the planning and creating new products. He also has plenty of clients. So he needs to make sure that he leaves enough time to carry out all my consultancy projects.

As you can imagine, he has a very busy day. But he has to make sure that he keeps winning enough new business. In order to achieve everything this he has developed a series of systems. They make sure that he creates the right sales focus. They also make sure that selling does not take over his life!

Now he is sharing the methods he uses to make sure he plans his sales and win the right amount of new business.

By the end of this master class you will have a system to:
- Create a realistic sales budget (not the "finger-in-the-air" method that so many companies use
- Understand exactly what activities you need to carry out in order to win enough of the right new clients
- Make sure that your sales activity stays on track
That means you'll be able to achieve the sales that your company needs. You will be in control of a realistic sales pipeline. You'll have more job satisfaction. You'll be hitting your targets.

What will you learn?
The day will focus on three main topics:

1. Realistic sales planning
Many companies don't know enough about their current sales. They are not sure of what they actually need to achieve. This part of the masterclass teaches you how to create realistic sales budgets, and how to do this without being overwhelmed by spreadsheets!
- Creating a simple live sales budget
- Understanding the true sales gap
- Creating the right sales target for your company
- Creating a sales target commentary

2. Practical goal setting
Annual sales targets don't work! You learn how to set 13-week sales plans. These are sales projects that get results. You also learn how to make sure that they stay on track.
- Setting a 13-week sales plan
- The right goals for a 13-week sales plan
- Lead and lag targets
- Foundation activities
- Setting the right sales activities
- Creating your own 13-week sales plan
- Building in reviews to make sure you get the right results

3. Making sales activities happen
Many sales people are sidetracked by all the other stuff that happens during the week. Sometimes it seems that there isn't any time to win new sales. In this section, you learn valuable tools to ensure that you allow the right time for your day-to-day sales management, as well as everything else.
- Fitting the jigsaw together
- Calendar planning
- Task lists
- Envelope planning
- Accountability
- Reporting
At the end of the masterclass you understand how to set realistic sales budgets and targets. You know how to set the right sales activities. You know how to stay on track, whilst also dealing with all the other demands that are put on you. You have all the tools to make sure that you really can achieve more.

Here are the details of the master class:
This is a full day master class. Attendance is limited to a maximum of eight participants. This ensures that all attendees receive plenty of personal attention and that there is sufficient time to discuss the issues raised.
- All delegates will receive a pre-event e-mail briefing.
- Everyone will work on practical exercises throughout the day. They will learn by putting theory into practice.
- Pdf notes are also provided from the day.
- There is a 30-day e-mail help line after the event.

Booking Details
- To book a single place, please complete the form below.
- To book multiple places, please email us at [email protected]

Course Cost
One place on the workshop - £175 per place
Two places on the workshop - £165 per place
Three places on the workshop - £160 per place
Four places on the workshop - £155 per place
Five places on the workshop - £150 per place
This structure would apply both if one attendee booked a place on five different workshops or five attendees from one company booked five places on one workshop.


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