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London - HR Highway to Success
London - HR Highway to Success
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Pat Victory
Pat Victory
020 7915 8409

Are your HR skills up to scratch? Let us guide you and your business into the future of HR within print.

We are running a series of three one day workshops based on HR best practice covering the following areas...

Workshop One - The Building Blocks of HR - 27 March 2018

- The starting blocks
- Disciplinary and Grievance
- Absence management
- Performance management
- Dignity/discrimination

Workshop Two - HR Complexities - 26  April 2018
- Conflict
- Stress/disability/obesity/mental health
- Off the record conversations
- Standards of behaviour
- General management skills
- Dealing with meetings

Workshop Three - Pro-active HR - 12 June 2018
- Change management
- Employee engagement
- Succession planning
- Retirement
- Variation of terms
- Settlement agreement
- Sales restrict covenants

Who should attend?
These certificated workshops are designed for line managers, supervisors and others with HR responsibilities. We allow time for questions and will draw on current case law.

Why should you attend?
This series of one-day workshops will give you the fundamentals and bring you up-to-date with recent developments in HR. Being unaware of changes in the law on discrimination, contracts and dismissal, will put your company at risk which we can help you avoid.

What are the benefits of attending?
- Understand employment legislation and how to put it into practice
- Learn how to protect your business from costly tribunal awards
- Become aware of best practice policies and procedures in HR
- Acquire the skills and knowledge to manage tricky employment situations effectively and with confidence
- Share learning experiences amongst your industry partners
- Meet our HR team and raise issues of concern with them

The cost of each individual workshop is only £99 (plus VAT), £199 for non-members per person. All delegates will receive a certificate of training. If you book all three workshops at once, this will qualify you for a 50% discount on the final workshop.

You can book in advance for just one, or all three workshops by submiting the booking form.

Places are limited to a maximum of 12 places and will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.


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