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Kodak and the BPIF present Performance for Business
Kodak and the BPIF present Performance for Business
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Dawn Reid
Dawn Reid
07801 981 325

Kodak and the BPIF are pleased to present a one-day event focused on helping you to improve your business and maximize profitability.

Martyn Eustace from Two Sides will help drive the conversation across the three sessions.

Future Focus Business
Our panel consisting of Miles Linney of the Linney Group, Anthony Paul from Neopost, Roger Adey of Plum Ideas and Jay Sherastani of Trust Pilot will share their thoughts on how a company can diversify, how building partnerships can help them do this and why the young print buyer should not be ignored.

The Investment Roadmap
Sean Smyth of the Print Consultant and Marcus Clifford from BPIF take a look at how investment in new technology can be planned for, the information suppliers need to give you and why other parts of your business may impact it performance.

An insight into Productive Transformation
Gary Mellor - BPIF - will explore the ‘Front of House' pressure point issues and discuss how to address these in an ever advancing technological environment and the cost of not resolving these. Also, Lee Reeves General manager of CPI Colour gives a firsthand account of how he dealt with these issues and transformed the whole job process by discovering the touch points and technology shortfalls and implementing a rigid infrastructure built around automation and connectivity between departments and the customer.

This is a joint event between Kodak, The BPIF and features many partner contributions including The Linney Group, Neopost, Plum Ideas, TrusPilot, Sean Smyth and CPI Colour.

Along with an information-packed event, you will also have the opportunity to tour the Jaguar Sports car production plant.

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