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Virtual Yorkshire Day 2020
Virtual Yorkshire Day 2020
When and Where
For more information please contact:
Robert McClements
Robert McClements
07855 959372

Charles Jarrold
Chief Executive of the British Printing Industries Federation (BPIF)
Robert McClements
President of Creative Digital Industries (CDI)
Stephen Platten
Master of The Worshipful Company of Stationers and Newspaper Makers

Request the pleasure of your company, on a Zoom Social chaired by Darren Shepherd, BPIF Regional Director (North).

As usual we will be celebrating creative, digital and print industry success in Yorkshire. This time it will be a virtual celebration.

Guest Speakers

Roger Marsh, OBE DL, Chair Leeds LEP and NP11
James Mason, CEO Welcome to Yorkshire

James will update us on his vision for the future and plans for the recovery of the tourist industry - some examples of success stories and a plan of campaign.

A feast for the eyes and a virtual tour of the county. Remember some of the recent highlights and the breath-taking scenery as we fly across the moors, the spectacular coast and cities modern and historic.

For your amusement you will have an option to take part in an observation test at the end of the video - winning prize of a bottle of sparkling Yorkshire Brut *we can't call it Champagne!

The event is free so just sign up, log in and have your refreshment of choice to hand as we take a flying visit over the County of Yorkshire.

Yorkshire artist William Watson-West has provided us with the image for our Yorkshire Day invitation again this year. William takes his inspiration from the beautiful landscapes and scenery that Yorkshire has to offer, and translates the emotions evoked by his surroundings into paintings. William's work can be viewed online via his website where you will also find greetings cards which he is offering with a 20% discount in celebration of Yorkshire Day using the code YD2020.

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