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Breakfast Briefing: Plastic Packaging Tax for Cartons
Breakfast Briefing: Plastic Packaging Tax for Cartons
When and Where

This is a 30 minute breakfast briefing that will provide companies in the cartons sector with Plastic Packaging Tax (PPT) Update and provides the opportunity for Q&A - providing real-world examples of applying PPT that we will endeavour to answer

The UK government will introduce the PPT on 1 April 2022. After this time, tax at the rate of £200 per tonne will have to be paid on any plastic packaging that falls within the tax rules. The tax applies when the plastic packaging component does not contain a minimum of 30% recycled content. Companies that manufacture or import more than 10 tonnes of plastic in 12 months will have to register and keep additional records to calculate and pay the tax.

Since last year the BPIF has been lobbying the new legislation by actively engaging in discussions with HMRC and responding to the consultations. The upcoming legislation will increase pressure on business operations, administrative processes, and impact costs

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