Printing Outlook

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Printing Outlook is the BPIF's quarterly printing industry trends survey, compiled primarily from an online survey of BPIF members. It covers topics such as: your top business concerns, orders, output, price levels, capacity, costs, margins, investment, pay reviews, productivity, late payment and payment terms, public sector procurement, Web-to-print and paper & board prices and supply.

We are very pleased to continue our partnership with Canon, we'd like to thank Canon for their support - this will ensure all survey respondents receive a printed copy of Printing Outlook.

Canon partnership



As well as reporting on the BPIF's latest quarterly survey of trends in the printing industry, Printing Outlook now incorporates:

Printing Outlook is widely reported in the trade press, and feeds into the Bank of England and their provision of data to the Monetary Policy Committee. It is required reading for many suppliers to and investors in the industry, and is used by the BPIF to help represent the interests of our industry to other trade associations, the CBI, Government and the European and worldwide printing industries.

BPIF members can download the full report below; Printing Outlook press releases are available here.

BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2022


Stronger than expected growth in orders and output helped the UK printing and printed packaging industry's continued recovery in Q3 - but the forecast for Q4 is downbeat as confidence expectations continue to slide. Frequent input cost increases, shocks over the cost of new energy supply contracts and heightened uncertainty due to political and economic turmoil in the UK has damaged confidence ahead of a normally bullishly anticipated Q4 period.

The latest Printing Outlook survey reveals that 43% of printers managed to increase their output levels in the third quarter of 2022, a further 41% were able to hold output steady. However, the remaining 16% did experience a decline in their output levels. The resulting balance (the difference between the ups and the downs) was +27, below the +37 in Q2, but above the Q3 forecast (+19). A sixth consecutive quarter of positive output growth is very welcome but is of course attributed to the sharp Covid-enforced decline in 2020, and the continued recovery from that.

BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2022

Read this issue

BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2022 BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2022
Print output and orders held firm in Q3 - expectations for Q4 have deteriorated as confidence falters.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q3 2022 BPIF Printing Outlook Q3 2022
Boost to output for UK printing in Q2 - confidence for Q3 dips amidst concern over the impact of rising energy costs.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q2 2022 BPIF Printing Outlook Q2 2022
UK printing industry output continues to recover - but output price increases not enough to offset energy, materials and wage cost increases and restore margins.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q1 2022 BPIF Printing Outlook Q1 2022
Cost crisis and supply shortages to UK printing industry constrain growth in Q4 - recovery expected to continue in Q1 but confidence is fragile.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2021 BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2021
UK printing industry moves closer to pre-Covid levels as recovery gathers strength in Q3 - growth to continue in Q4 amidst mounting supply constraints and cost pressures.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q3 2021 BPIF Printing Outlook Q3 2021
Strong recovery in UK printing industry in Q2 but activity still short of pre-Covid levels - Q3 improvements expected despite intense cost pressures, pings and holidays.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q2 2021 BPIF Printing Outlook Q2 2021
Printing industry stabilised in Q1 - output, orders and confidence to recover in Q2 but cost pressures intensify squeeze on margins.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q1 2021 BPIF Printing Outlook Q1 2021
Confidence eroded as Q4 output and orders curtailed - a further downturn is now underway in Q1 but vaccine roll-out provides hope.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2020 BPIF Printing Outlook Q4 2020
Confidence improved as output and orders rallied in Q3 - unfortunately road to recovery blocked in Q4.
BPIF Printing Outlook Q3 2020 BPIF Printing Outlook Q3 2020
Output and orders sink to new depths in Q2 amidst Covid enforced crisis in confidence - but rebuilding is underway in Q3.
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