Energy Management
Case studies

A sustainable packaging manufactuer

A leading manufacturer of sustainable corrugated packaing in the UK with three state of the art intergrated manufacturing and logistics facilities.

The client came to Inenco in search of a tailored energy solution for their manufacturing sites. Recognising that both commodity prices were becoming more volatile and non-commodity costs were steadily increasing, they wanted a trusted partner to work closely with them to help manage and mitigate both sides of their energy costs.

Inenco recognised that they had eligible processes at some of their production facilities but had not joined the CCA scheme and were therefore not able to claim the relevant CCL relief. They were also captured by CRC scheme and so were paying substantial amounts in carbon tax. Inenco also recognised their needs to have longer term control over volatile commodity prices. They needed a robust service. 

Step 1 - Working effecitvely

Inenco quickly worked with them to put forward an application to their relevant sector for 3 of their production facilities for them to avoid CRC and claim CCL relief.

Step 2 - Ongoing guidance

Inenco continue to guide the client through the scheme and assist in them achieving their energy reduction targets.

Step 3 - A tailored strategy

We created a tailored strategy to allow them to budget more effectively and take advantage of low points in the market.

Step 4 - Ongoing management

Inenco then continued to work with them on their energy procurement, offering continuous expert advice.


During the most recent contract, Inenco haveprotected the client from volatile market conditions through bespoke risk management resulting in cost avoidance and savings against the market average price of over £190,000 for electricity and over £90,000 for gas. Inenco continue to work with them to proactively seek out future low points in the market whilst protecting their costs from future price increases. To date, Inenco have helped them save over £1m in CCA and CRC charges and by havingan agreement in place, their annual savingsare forecast to increase in future periods due to increases in both CCA charges and reliefrates. Through our robust bureau services, we identified over 40 invoice queries in 1 year alone which resulted in additional savings over £7,300. 

13 December 2019

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